(My name is Tony and this is my first ever podcast review. My AppleID is a weird conglomeration of letters and numbers). I started a new job a few months ago that brought with it a much longer commute. I figured it would be a good time to find some podcasts to start listening to. In my search for a good sci-if related one I somehow stumbled on this one about one of my favorite shows ever, Babylon 5. I listened to Jeff & Brett’s first episode last month and I was immediately hooked. It’s been an absolute joy catching up and reliving this wonderfully complex show thru them as they watch it for the first time. I appreciate that “this is not a Star Trek podcast” but the hosts use that franchise as a springboard to compare and contrast the themes and structures of Babylon 5 while respectfully acknowledging that it is its own unique thing. With each episode they critique they are finding the joy (and warts) of the show that I made a point to follow every week almost thirty years ago. They love to make predictions about what the next episode will be about and where the storyline is headed. Sometimes I shake my head and laugh at how wrong they are/will be. But other times I get almost as giddy as my friend who danced on stage with Claudia Christian at a sci-fi convention many cycles ago when the hosts come really close in their predictions. It’s a blast! Jeff and Brett, keep up the excellent work and thank you for giving me (and others like me) something fun and worthwhile to listen to on my Monday commute to and from work.
Feb. 7, 2023 by Twingard on Apple Podcasts
Babylon 5 For the First Time - Not a Star Trek Podcast