Happy I’ve caught up with the shows and I can listen on my Monday commute. No false advertising here, the hosts are an encyclopedia of Star Trek knowledge and great at connecting their first watch to both Trek and, in an oddly fitting way, organization leadership dynamics. If I have one frustrating it’s how not-encyclopedic their knowledge is of other influences of this show like Tolkien and classic sci-fi novels and movies. Not making the connections between Clarke’s Rama or well … (to avoid spoilers) lots of things in the Lord of the Rings has me yelling at my phone on the regular. Guys. Z'ha'dum —— The Bridge Of Khazad-Dûm. So many connections. Loving every minute, even the frustrating parts.
Feb. 22, 2023 by 90sKidYellsAtCloud on Apple Podcasts
Babylon 5 For the First Time - Not a Star Trek Podcast