I've largely enjoyed your podcast, and am excited for more blind predictions. You just reviewed "Passing through Gethsemane", my favorite episode of the series. As I am sure you have noticed by now, there are several episodes that have religious themes of one stripe or another. Now that you have reviewed this episode, I feel no obligation not to spoil the episode. This episode challenged me in a way that few tv shows did. As a young 20-something Christian, watching this episode made me realize the depth of bravery that would be needed to remain in a place where you knew someone would be coming along to kill you. Some people believe that to be a Christian, you must be a kind of weak person. I began to think of missionaries in countries where it is downright dangerous to share a Christian faith. As missionaries in those countries are regularly beaten and sometimes beheaded, nobody I know would dare to call those missionaries pansies. Brother Theo had the kind of faith that is needed in today's world. To stand strong and not back down from doing the right thing, even unto the point of death. But enough waxing poetic. Love the show and keep going on.
May 15, 2023 by Bros by on Apple Podcasts
Babylon 5 For the First Time - Not a Star Trek Podcast