Babylon 5 For the First Time - Not a Star Trek Podcast

Fresh Eyes on a Classic

My mother got me into B5 during its original run. It wasn't on for long locally, so we had to wait for my aunt to record episodes, and mail them to us on a VHS. I got my own DVDs shortly after they came out, and have occasionally binged it over the years. Then HBO Max remastered it, and I had been working through it again, but had petered out.

Then I was reading a review for the new video game Star Trek: Resurgence, and the reviewer mentioned this podcast. I was hooked after the first episode, and started catching up as fast as I could, and watching the show again too. I'd hoped to catch up in time for Shattered Dreams, but didn't quite make it. At least, I'll be there for War Wi..., wait, that might be considered a spoiler; we'll just say s3e16.

Part of what makes this podcast enjoyable is the Trek comparisons, but they keep themselves restrained. It's also both amazing and maddening where some of their predictions go, especially when they get to the right answer for all the wrong reasons...

July 1, 2023 by N. A. Miller on Apple Podcasts

Babylon 5 For the First Time - Not a Star Trek Podcast

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