The Legend of the Rangers
Two veteran Star Trek podcasters watch Babylon 5 for the first time. Brent Allen and Jeff Akin search for Star Trek like messages in this series, deciding if they should have watched it sooner.
They are split on this one! Jeff and Brent also wonder if they have just witnessed the worst scene ever put to film.
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[0:00] Music.
[0:15] The name of the podcast, Babylon 5, for the first time. Welcome to Babylon 5 for the first time, not a Star Trek podcast. My name is Jeff Akin. And I'm Brent Allen. You know, Jeff and I were two veteran Star Trek nerds who decided to come together to watch Babylon 5 for the first time. We fell in love with it so much that, you know what? We continued that journey with Crusade and now with the movies. Back to the movies, Jeff. Heading back. And just like before, we're going to do the thing we always do. We're going to look for those morals, those messages, the things that sci-fi does so well. We're going to look for them in Babylon 5 movies. To be clear, though, these are not Star Trek messages. There's a little rumor out there that we're looking for Star Trek messages in Babylon 5. And Brent, that's just not true. You know, two and a half years later, it's still not a Star Trek podcast. Never was. It never was. And we prove that week in and week out by playing the rule of three. It's a game that limits us to no more than three references to Star Trek per episode. That's it. Three. One of those places. No substitutions. Exchanges a refund. And Jeff, if we make one of those references. You're going to hear this.
[1:31] We'll also likely suspend the game during the episode part of this episode. We're doing this on the fly. That's fair. That's fair. That's fair. Hey, Brent. Hey, Jeff. We have a five-star review. Oh, yes. This one's from Amazon. Whoa, Amazon. You can do reviews on Amazon Music. Hello, Amazon Music. I actually have a couple on there. I never looked before. So this one just looks like it's from three months ago. The Fractal Man says... What's up, Fractal Man? I checked these guys out a long time ago for their pilot episode about the gathering. And honestly dismissed them. But when The Road Home was announced, and I started my 47th rewatch, I decided to give them another shot, and I'm really glad I did. This is for you, Fractal Man.
[2:22] Doesn't count against us. I really enjoy their speculations about where the show will go, though I'm glad they've mostly abandoned their obsession with the Great Egg. Oh, it comes back. Buckle up, Fractal Man. Their analysis doesn't always line up to mine, though usually in the direction of them liking episodes that I would rather skip.
[2:43] Exogenesis is a good example. That was a good episode. It really was. I've never been one of those fans who claim Babylon 5 to be a perfect show. It's not. But it's a show that I consider mine. And I'm glad it's now Jeff and Brent's too. And they've even spotted some things I've missed after my first watch 30 years ago. You know what? That's fair. And here's the thing. I will take getting dismissed early and people coming back. Because you know what that's kind of what happened with the show itself people watch that early season i.
[3:13] Just last night jeff last night exactly yes just last night i was with a guy i'm not going to name drop i was with a person that you had met a while ago and you convinced him to watch babylon five yep and he was like yeah i just i tried and i got so far and then i had to give it up and i like i came back to him with like the okay here are the here are the essential episodes you need from season one and the first part of season two and then like from an episode from episode 11 on in season two you're watching every episode so i'm gonna stop there but here's what you need from the rest of them and get back to it get watching and get back to it and he yeah he was really into it he's like okay yeah i'm this is helpful i can i can push through these episodes and i'm like and those episodes aren't ones you're gonna have to push through because they're actually really good yeah they're amazing uh but anyway i'll i'll take that i'll take that i'm glad you came back though fractal man that's totally that's awesome and uh jeff i can't speak for you on this but i'm i'm a babylon five lurker now 100 that's that's what we call the fans right we're lurkers i don't know something like that down below all i know is i was talking to someone um online and they're like i'm a star trek guy getting into babylon five is there anything i should know And I'm like, there's two things you should know.
[4:28] One is get ready to change your view of all sci-fi. And two, get ready to change your identity within sci-fi. Right? Right. Oh, Jeff, that's so great. You know what else is great? What's that? These games that we like to play here at the show. You know, we do the rule of three. There's another one at the end of the show where we try to guess what next week's episode is going to be about based on title alone. Never having seen the thumbnail, never reading the description, not previewing it first. Well, this is the part of the show where we have to revisit our prediction from last week and see just how close we were. So, Jeff, what did you think? The legend of the Rangers was going to be about. I thought this was going to jump us into the future. This is going to be brother Alwyn and kind of the reformation of the Rangers that we kind of saw the, the path they followed in deconstruction of falling stars. What do you think it's going to be about? You know, I just realized we can't see, we can't say just how close we were. Exactly. Yeah. Not yet. This is just what the prediction was like. This is a, I don't know. Cause we haven't seen it yet. Okay.
[5:37] Okay, I said that this is going to be like a jaunt through the history of the Rangers, which might actually be right in line with what you just said. Because of Brother Alwin, like, talking about the history of the Rangers. Like, so this is, it's either going to be like a Ranger hero from the past who is, and it's his story or her story.
[5:59] But more likely I was kind of like, it's just sort of a history of the Rangers type of thing, like how they came to be what they are. Cool. So is that it? I don't know. Find out. You know what they know out there they're yelling, they're yelling it at us right now, right? Our council chambers folks, they know they're probably sticking it in the chat right over there. So, but you know what? We get to find out like right now because it's time to go watch this movie, Jeff, it's time to go watch this movie. And they listen, Listen, if you guys are joining us for the very first time or you've never seen an episode like this that Jeff and I do this way, first of all, welcome, because every episode is somebody's first episode. So you're amazing. You're awesome. We're so glad that you're here. What's about to happen is Jeff and I are going to watch this episode right now.
[6:43] Unlike how we've done this every other time before, Jeff, we haven't watched this episode prior to coming into this and then talked about it or thought about it and wrote down notes and all that sort of stuff. No, no, no, no. we're going to watch the episode together right now if you're hanging out with us on youtube stick around because you're going to catch our reaction we're going to cut it up and then we're going to do a reaction video to the show to the movie to the thing we're going to do the thing and if you're listening to us on a podcasting app honestly i have no idea how we're going to edit this so i don't know what's going to happen but pretty soon you'll hear us talk about the episode one way or the other on the podcasting thing hey you know what if you're not on the podcasting thing you're on the video, even if you are on the podcast, if you want to check out the full unedited version of our reaction to this, you can head over to our Patreon page and you can find that at slash Babylon five first. That's the number five and the word first. Did I get it right? Did I finally get it right, Jeff? Okay. You did great. All right. There you go. What do you say? We start this thing. Let's kick this pig.
[7:46] Music.
[7:51] All right, Brent, we just got done watching The Legend of the Rangers for the very first time. We'd never watched it before. We watched through it together. And why don't you kick this discussion off, Brent? What's your initial reaction to this one?
[8:14] Tell me how you really feel. You know what? I was into this show, movie, film. I don't even know what the heck we're calling it. I was into it for the first half hour. Okay. 45 minutes. Like, I was tracking. I was in. I was solid, right? And then it just started losing me, man. Like, I just, frankly, I don't care. There's nothing about this that makes me care at all. I have zero connection to any of these characters other than Jakar, who, if you watch the reaction video.
[8:48] We were just saying as the episode ended, Jakar did nothing really in this show like he was just there to be like oh we know him, it was great to see him, great to see Jakar, like it was fun but as far as having like an actual impact on the show or an influence in the plot of what really was going on, like a significant influence that was specifically that's unique to Jakar not that they could have put any character in from Babylon 5 and done exactly what Jakar did. Like, it didn't have to be Jakar, you know? It didn't have to be anybody from Babylon 5. No. It could have been anything, anyone. Yeah, it could have just been an entirely new character, and it wouldn't have changed anything. We're taking an ambassador to his conference. A funny thing happened on the way to the conference. Like, that's kind of what this was. You know, and there were points where it just went from I don't care to boring to drawn out to absolutely ridiculous, and a point that made me throw my headphones down and want to walk out of this room. Yes, it did. Literally. And then it just didn't stop. You know, it just... I see a second. Jeff, I'm about to walk out of this.
[10:06] I'm dead serious. I was cool with this for the first, I don't know, 30, 45 minutes, but this last bit yeah and that right there that is fireably offensive that i just oh my word that is that is that is awful wow awful i just hope she got paid very well because i doubt she ever worked again after this that that would have tanked the reboot literally that could have tanked this whole show that right there what decision-making process says yes leave that in, when you shoot it and then you get it into the editing bay and you see it and you go hmm.
[10:53] We're either reshooting it or we're cutting around it if this is the pilot right the next episode they have a conventional weapon system like we just forget this is this is that thing that you forget ever happened how much time do we still have left in this oh my god like i'm i okay our job is to document this thing right yes i'm at a spot right now where i just want this to end wow i just want this to be over i really do okay like like i like i was with it for the first bit but this last this last and this is supposed to be the action part this is supposed to be the exciting part and i'm like oh my god stop if this is the action i don't want any any more action if this is what you're going to give me and tell me that this is going to be look this is not a If this is supposed to be a pilot, okay, there's a new alien threat. That's your pilot is new alien threat. Okay, I still don't believe that this is the crew that's going to take on the alien threat. With Battlestar Galactica, we got, because their ship isn't connected to the Cylon thing, so they're the only ones who can do it. Yeah.
[12:04] With Crusade, okay, they're off, so they have a special ship they can go. They've got to look for it. there's why these guys there's no reason it needs to be these folks well i think what bothered me the most with that because i was in i was in all i mean there were definitely some points in this that were just like absolutely offensive but i was in until the very end when it's like we're going to set everybody up we're going to go find these aliens we're going to learn about them until they said literally um hey do we have a mission and then they're like well you know we'll get one here eventually like at some point and it's like what you're not even going to be like we have to go out and learn about these people and do this stuff no none of that just nothing about this makes me want to come walk back and watch another episode at this point agreed and it's too bad and that's why it didn't get picked up that's why it didn't get picked up if it was i want to be really clear that we're assuming that this was a pilot or an idea for a series oh this absolutely was a pilot, an attempt at a pilot. Like, they put in a freaking opening credit scene. Yeah, they did. It's a television show opening credit scene. Like, no, this is supposed to be a pilot. There's no doubt about that. What network? I don't know. I'm sorry if I'm pooping all over the stuff that you guys like. I'm...
[13:23] I at least Jeff liked it. I mean, I did. I liked, I mean, I want to be really, I mean, honest about that. I did like this. I liked the first half hour a lot. Actually. I liked a lot about this. It was literally the, the whole stupid weapons thing. Like that has to be, that has to be one of the absolute dumbest things I have ever seen on television ever. It's a pink castle. And I watch YouTube on my TV. So like that says everything. Tell me about this pink Disney castle. What is this? Yeah. So I said the whole, and just to be clear for the audio folks specifically, what we're talking about is the weapons officer, in order to fire the weapons, went into a hollow deck of sorts and sat in a chair slash floated around the space. And she literally punched the ships out of the sky. Yeah. And not just punch them, but like kicked a few of them.
[14:28] I mean, it's kind of like what you think the drivers of the Power Rangers did. Like, you know, their their moves inside the cockpit is what the what their robot person did. No. So here's what it is. Back in 1997, Walt Disney World held its 25th anniversary. Okay. I happen to be there for this for the entire run of the whole dang thing. And they thought that it would be really cool to transform the castle into a birthday cake to celebrate the thing.
[15:02] And when you go in and you look at it, and basically what they do is they put, like, blow-up balloons around the castle, like, surrounded the turrets and everything, and turn them into, like, cupcakes and all this kind of stuff. And you can Google it, Google the 25th anniversary Cinderella Castle, Walt Disney World. It looks awful. It is absolutely awful. However, when you go back into the offices and you see their conceptual drawings and their lithographs of what it was supposed to look like, looks so good. It was so dope. But what it turned out in reality was horrible. And so I often refer to the pink castle as when you have something that in concept sounds amazing. In concept is awesome. When you plan it out, it looks cool. And then when you go to execute it, it is the exact opposite of what you wanted to have happen.
[16:02] And you're so committed to it, you can't not do it at this point. Right. You're invested. Yeah. So it just, you know, and go Google the 25th anniversary Cinderella Castle and you'll see what I'm talking about. And it just, oh, it's bad. It's bad. I have to believe, and we talked about this during the episode, but if this were to get picked up as series and move forward, we would never see this idea again. They would just use regular ship battles and weapons and would just pretend. Like that's one of those pilot things that came up that this will, like the gravity ring in, uh, In The Gathering, where Dylan had the gravity ring on Jakar, and she's like, what, three gravities, four gravities. And then we just never saw it again because that was ridiculous. And I'm going to, I'll just say, the actress that played her would also not be coming back. Just sorry, not going to happen. I really tried to, like, I don't know, see it from, oh, maybe it's the directing, maybe it's this, but no.
[17:00] All three corners, the writing, the directing, and the acting, were um horrible horrible for her horrible jeff i just pulled it i'm gonna show it to you okay here you go oh oh yeah okay that's the idea right no this is what it actually came out to be that's real yeah wow and all of the so like they literally painted the the the side of the walls pink and then you have all this stuff which is just blat blow up balloons around it and turned everything into into this wow yeah a lot of work went into that oh yeah yeah i'm sure a lot of money they left it that way for a year and a half i do have to say this movie looked amazing sure we had new jump points that came like the the animation for the jump gates was incredible i liked the new take on hyperspace it just looked more dangerous and scarier they took a page from stargate in the the ship where it was just super dark and you could barely see anything that was going on most of the time but i think from like an effect standpoint um outside of the space battle thing uh with the pew pew punch punch punch thing outside of that it looked incredible i honestly though i i agree the only other thing i have i mean i i don't have a lot of notes brent like this This is kind of like third space where it's an episode.
[18:26] This is an episode where we, it's like the episode, I think I'll remember, but the probe came, right? And it's like, hey, if you can solve, crack this code, we'll cure diseases and hunger. And then never again. That's all this was. Hey, there's this really dangerous race out there and we got past them this time, whatever.
[18:46] So, I mean, I don't have a lot. But what I do have is I really like the character of David Martel. I liked him a lot. Okay. No, you didn't. I, this thing, I'm, I'm so ambivalent towards him. Like I didn't hate him, but I can't say I loved him. I'm just, that's what I mean. Like I didn't care about any of these folks.
[19:08] Nafil, I cared about Nafil. She was awesome. Nafil is great. But everybody else is very forget. The Mambari dude, Doran. Doriel, I think. Duran Duran. Duran Duran. Yeah. That guy, like, you could recast anybody else but Nafil to me, and it wouldn't make me cry. Wow. You know, Dave Martel might have been the second best of the whole thing, but, like, the dude with the changeling net, whatever, the guy who was their comms officer whatever the the certainly the weapons lady whatever, that drowsy guy the drowsy drowsy guy is kind of funny i i kind of want to hug him but also if he was to be replaced because he did nothing nothing he got shot yeah i mean he had a comic moment could have done a lot more with him actually he'd have been fun one other thing looking at it now I'm like, oh, we did learn a thing, though. I think the thing that Jakar brought to this that no one else could have is we learned that Lita is, quote, gone now. Yeah.
[20:12] What do you think that means? Like, do you think she's dead? Do you think? I think she's dead. Yeah. Really? I think it is implied that she is dead as much as we are to understand that Talia is dead. Okay. Just because Besser came in and said so doesn't necessarily mean like, oh, yeah, we did this. But he's in the middle of trying to get emotions and stuff up. So I don't know that I really quite believe that. It's open-ended.
[20:42] If Leto were to show up at any way, shape, or form, that's a two-line dialogue right to explain what Jakar meant by that. This is not a, yeah, Darth Vader killed your father, Luke. And then you have to go back and rewrite the whole dang thing. To be like no he is your father and i was just meeting them like no no this isn't that like, she could pop up and she's just she could just be gone like she's just not you know i have an ex-girlfriend she's gone like not in my life anymore like that i don't think it it could be that but my input my inference is she's dead that's fair what about you are you do you think she's dead or you're supposed to be dead or i think she probably is i imagine maybe it's in a book one of the books or something somewhere what i want to think though is that she's gone and that they were out exploring and whatever and found things beyond our imagination and somehow like because she's super vorlon advanced like she became a part of something else joined something else, moved to a different you know like went and transcended not necessarily she go beyond the rim i'd say not necessarily beyond the rim but similar to be on the rim, Which would be cool. I think it'd be anticlimactic to build a character up like Lita and then just be like, yeah, she died. Yeah. And, I mean, why would you write her as being dead?
[22:02] Unless you just hated the actor and you wanted to kill them off and ensure they never could come back. Otherwise, you leave the door open. Like Talia. Yeah, but he left the door open. I mean, I think he purposely left the door open that if Winters, Andrea Winters. No, it's Talia Winters. Talia Winters, Andrea, whatever her last name is. Yeah.
[22:21] Not Doyle, if she ever wanted to come back. You know, the doors open could happen. Well, with all of that, Jeff. All of that. I have to ask. I have to ask. Did you pull any messages out of this? Anything that holds up America Society, gives us hope that things can be better in the future, like the episode ended, or that we could just be better human beings to one another, or just anything. What positive stuff did you get from this episode? This episode, because, yeah, what'd you get? What did I get? Yeah. What'd you get? Oh, my God. So this is where Jakar steps in for me. Like in so many episodes, especially the fourth and fifth seasons, here's Jakar with the message. He says, is it not as honorable to live for the one as it is to die? There you go. And so, like, what I really pulled that into is, is it better to fight and die needlessly or run and fight another day? And what we saw here is it's better to run and fight another day. When the odds are stacked against you, that's what you do. That's why Martel was able to do all this stuff. We saw Tenere not do that with the Valen, and that went away. Also, I think, like, in terms of is that the point of this or whatever? Like, no.
[23:41] So it was a through line to give David Martel kind of a bit of an edge to whatever he had coming in as his character. But I pulled that out. I love that you pulled that out because I really loved what he said there.
[23:58] It's just, is it not just as honorable to live as it is to die? He even goes on to say a little bit like, and I didn't get the whole quote. But he's like, to die is not honorable. It only lets you kind of get out of the stuff that you're in the middle of. To live, that's the challenge. And I'm reminded of a line from Hamilton. Eat dying is easy living is harder like yeah i i'm totally with this yeah we're gonna stay until we die stay until we die hey how about you live and keep fighting and keep being around be here like how that is the honorable thing to do that is the real real thing uh and that's the way you should look at this and not just uh uh we're just never gonna run away i mean you're gonna wind up like freaking marty mcfly breaking his hand and ruining his career because you can't stand the fact that somebody called you a chicken yeah and it's going to mess up your whole future and your family's whole future because you're being dumb about when no look we need to go what did you think of martell's uh and he said it two or three times over the course of the episode what do you think of his breakdown of okay you can only do three things when you're in a battle you can either fight you can run away or you can hide and you know that's what got him in trouble first time and then he had to make that same decision later what do you think of that i think.
[25:21] It ties directly to what we're talking about you can fight you can run right and then maybe fight later you can hide maybe fight later and i what i thought of it really was the idea of like a parasympathetic um response to things you know fight flight or freeze and recently we've discovered there's a fourth one of fawn right but it's the same thing i'm going to fight i'm going to run away i'm gonna hide and freeze or the fawning i'm gonna be super nice and whatever to hopefully make this thing be conciliatory to try and make things go away but i think it wove beautifully with the idea of do you just die or do you find a way to fight again and those three ways are ways to fight again yeah i thought that i thought that particular thing was pretty great was literally the only thing i wrote down through the whole episode that's a good thing though and that one i think was supposed to be because like you said he said it three or four times it was really clear.
[26:17] You know you know you realize you could have played a drinking game with this particular film oh yeah and if i had any gumption to ever watch this movie again i would do this i and i don't do drinking games a whole lot i would do it here just for the shits and giggles of it pardon my language uh anytime they say we live for the one we die for the one for real man because they draw it was like i don't know what to say here we'll just drop that line like there was one point i I thought you could literally replace every line of dialogue in this film with we live for the one and die for the one and just let that be the entire dialogue of the entire film. That's what it felt like at some point to me. And it would have been pretty much the exact same story. Yep. Just at one point say, well, this is the hand and the hand does not live for the one, but it will die from the one.
[27:00] Well, Brent, this is going to take a little bit of like remembering for us because this is going back. It's been 13 weeks since we've watched any of the other movies. But do you remember we were creating a ranking list that actually is the definitive list? Ranking of all of the Babylon 5 movies. Do you remember us doing that? I do, yes. It's good because you have to rank this one. We have five.
[27:24] Let me get into my note here. We have five, so the order there is in fifth place is The Gathering, fourth River of Souls, then third space. And number two, we have A Call to Arms with an asterisk on it. That asterisk is that it should be number one, but the score was terrible, So it's number two, which puts in number one in the beginning. Brent does legend. The legend of the Rangers crack the top five. You made a comment as we were watching this. This was earlier on though, but you're like, well, this is more compelling than the gathering. I'm more here for it than that. I am between river of souls in the gathering right now. And I like, I think river of souls is way better than this. I really do.
[28:05] Was this better or worse than the gathering? Here's the thing. This was way better than the gathering early on the gathering though you and i've already done our second watch of the gathering yes and it was an entirely different experience the second time than it was the first time the second time was not good it was no awful and super painful to get through that and we both questioned when we got to the end of that how would we ever want to continue a show watching this episode however when you and i watched it for the very first time you and i both had the exact same experience and we didn't watch that one together no and that experience was hey listen i can see where they're going there's definitely a lot of stuff that needs to be cleaned up but i'm in i'm in for whatever they're wanting to do i'm ready to go watch the next episode let's go and frankly that series got picked up this one did not exactly this one i don't know where they're going i don't know exactly what they're gonna do and i don't i don't Ooh, there's a new alien we got to go fight. Okay. How many shows have I seen that's Gus fighting an alien?
[29:09] That's your whole premise? That's what you gave me is it's a new powerful, powerful enemy. Oh, we have the Borg. Oh, we have Q. Oh, we have what's the next new powerful guy? Like, really? That's what you're going to give me? So, yeah, no, I don't think this is better than The Gathering because I got to the end of The Gathering and I wanted to watch the dang show. And as you rightly just pointed out, got to the end of The Gathering, and that show got picked up. Yeah. This one, I don't want to go watch a new show. I really don't. And I cringe. So this is six for me, Jeff. Wow. Wow. I'm putting it in at number six. Although, if you want to put another asterisk by this, from a production level and from many measurable cases, this is way better than The Gathering. But the one that actually counts, I can't put it there. It's fair. I mean, I can't, I personally would have it above the gathering, but it would be, this would be our number five. It's not going above a river of souls. Like I didn't like river of souls and it was better than this. I didn't like river of souls either. And river souls is better. And I, and I'll, I'll say, I mean, you're asking me to take two episodes that frankly, I don't like a lot and tell me which.
[30:21] Yeah. Right. It's like, I don't know. Maybe watch this a second time and I'll like it more. I don't know. I doubt. I had no desire to watch this another time. I think we called it during the watch that if this was a single 45 minute episode, this would probably be an awesome. Yeah. Awesome. Amazing episode. It was an hour and a half. And for at least 45 minutes of that hour and a half, I was just going, can this please be done? Can this please be done? Just let it end. Well, good news, Brent. It did just end. We don't ever have to watch this one again. Thank God. Next week, we're watching a movie called The Lost Tales.
[30:59] We have never watched this before. We don't know anything about it. We love to play our games around here. And this game is where we guess what it's going to be about based on the title alone. Do you have any guesses as to what The Lost Tales is going to be about? I feel like I know this. And I cannot say this for sure, but I feel like for some reason, I know that The Lost Tales is some sort of an anthology show and that this is going to be like three or four miniature stories within one larger story. Okay, I get it. And it's The Lost Tales and it's just going to be like these just random...
[31:41] Whatever's thrown together and that's what exactly what the lost tale says to my i i cannot tell you where why or how i would know that or if i even do know that like this could just be my brain coming up with something but i feel like this is what i know and i have no idea why almost like uh that tim roth movie the four rooms right there's like four different stories in one hotel that all kind to come have one overarching story to him yeah something something like that that's that's my guess of the lost then that's especially probably because tales is is um pluralized there you know so it's it's got to be more than than one that's that's my that's my guess but i can't say that i know it i just feel like like i'm i'm pretty confident that's what it is you know uh what about you what do you what do you think yeah i think and maybe i'm just desperate for this in some way but i think this is going to somewhat harken to the deconstruction of falling stars again but it's going to be not not way in the future but this is the lost tales between.
[32:44] Um what objects at rest and sleeping in light what happened in that interim and it's not i don't i don't necessarily think anthology so much as just kind of like here's this period of time and we're going to hit a couple points in it we're going to have um i imagine we'll have some sheridan we'll We'll have some Delenn popping in and out of it a little bit, but just kind of telling that story of the early days of the Interstellar Alliance. We'll find out next week. We're going to watch another movie right here. We're going to do it the same way. You get to join us for both our conversation and the reaction itself. Again, if you want to watch, if you're on our podcasting app or you're watching this on YouTube, if you want to watch the full unedited version of this, you can get that at our Patreon page, which is linked down in the show notes. And to make sure you can keep up on all that, please don't forget to subscribe. Rate us, review us, do all that cool stuff I'd love to read your review here on the show you can leave those at Apple Podcasts I'd love it when they're left there.
[33:40] Actually does quite a bit to help us out but to really help us out could you share this with somebody let them know there were movies from Babylon 5, we watched it and they should check this thing out hey we watched all of Babylon 5 for the first time as well it'd mean the world to us if you shared this but I can't wait to cleanse the palate of this movie and watch this next week so until next week uh we're gonna wrap this bad boy up and uh hey that's oh i was literally going for the button i was like we're gonna yeah what's uh what's going on hey did you know uh actually i i do know but do you know that they know no no i know that they know that he knows that they know that i know that he knows they know for crying out loud dude.
[34:23] Music.