Babylon 5 For the First Time - Not a Star Trek Podcast


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Sooner or Later, Everyone Comes to Babylon 5 For The First Time
Babylon 5 debuted when I was 8 years old. Having only experienced with TOS and TNG through reruns at the time, it was the first major sci-fi series I got to experience live during its original run. It holds a special place for me as THE formative sci-fi show in my life. I say this to underscore that, when I decided to pick a podcast to accompany one of my regular rewatches of the show, I didn’t do so lightly. Following Brent and Jeff as they experience B5 for the first time is reigniting my love for the series all over again. Seeing their excitement as the characters, themes, and rhythms of the show’s storytelling click into place brings a fresh perspective that both reinforces what I’ve always loved about the show and challenges things I’ve come to take for granted. I don’t know what your podcast… pleasure threshold is, but if you want to test that look no further!

What a fun ride back down B5 memory lane
First off you two are great and I really enjoy your podcast. I’m actually just in the first season for the episode Quality of Mercy. I love how you both try to guess and what will happen. It’s nice to see how you both who are new to the show get more and more into the story. I love Babylon 5 and also being a hardcore Trek fan I didn’t get into it until after it was in syndication. I have a neat little story I’m going to have to email and share with you guys. Keep it up. I’m on this train for the whole ride!

A lot of fun
It’s so much fun to relive the joy of watching Babylon 5 for the first time with these two. Even if you don’t always agree with their assessment of the individual episodes, it’s always fun to play along when they guess what’s going to happen. The hard part is to hold back on spoilers when commenting, but watching them figure out things for themselves makes it all worth it.

Must listen for any Babylon 5 fan, New or experienced
Podcasters Brent Allen and Jeff Akin host a series where they watch, review, and predict what will happen next on Babylon 5, just based on what they experience from the show so far. I love the insight from their years of Star Trek as they apply that to this classic show. Predictions are humorous when totally wrong, with sly smiles on the times when they hit the bulls eye. Duane in Virginia

Good show
Show is good. Even when the hosts are wrong.

Good pod, clean dialogue, Trek background
I have a whole pile of B5 DVD’s and been a fan since the ‘90’s. After hearing about this podcast from another B5 pod, I decided to check it out. I’m starting from the first episode of their show so I’m a little behind. Jeff and Brent have interesting observations, even as they bravely slog through season one. They keep it pretty clean (which also makes it unique) so okay to listen to with kids in the room. Let the buzzer go though, guys! I don’t mind the Star Trek references but that thing is distracting.

Perfect for rewatching with another perspective
With the remade high-def B5 episodes available, this podcast is great for rewatching episodes. They have another perspective of the show that reveals subtle plots that may have been missed the first 5 times I’ve watched the series, and it’s hilarious when they try to predict the next episode, sometimes they nail the plot.

Jeff and Brent bring their vast knowledge of the genre and explore the tv series Babylon 5 for the first time. This is a spoiler free podcast and is inviting to both new B5 viewer as well as those who have watched the series 65 times. Using their logic, humor and heart, they break down each episode. Agree or disagree with them, they will give you their honest opinions to the table. Enjoy.

Babylon 5 outta 5!
I've been listening weekly since Babylon Squared, and your predictions are regularly a delight.The perspectives you each share also expand my own conceptions of episodes outside of my own lived experience. The anticipation of seeing how you gents react is a weekly delight, there are SO many things that I know we all want to discuss with you guys, but we must keep the sanctity of spoilers. G'Kar is absolutely my favorite character, and as of the recent episode (The Long Twilight Struggle) his strength of "character" really shows. Your comments about Vir in (Comes the Inquisitor) further demonstrate B5's ability to develop characters in very surprising ways (and that's all I can say about that.) To quote an infamous Centauri, "Keep it up!"

My Favorite B5 podcast
I absolutely love this podcast. Jeff and Brent are fantastic, and their guesses are always so spot on, unless they’re not, and then they’re really far off. But I won’t tell you which is which because…well, spoilers. For now, all I will say is Bzzt when Bzzzt comes to Bzzzt, get ready because Bzzzt will reveal that he is bzzzt and you won’t even see it coming. Then bzzzt will bzzt. You’re gonna love it.

B5 for the first time? Yes please!!!
Babylon 5 is my all time favorite show. If you’ve never seen it but have been curious about it now is your chance to watch along with a pair of newbies and experience with them. If you are a fan of the show this pod cast gives you a chance to re-live what it was like the first time around with all of the ups and downs along the way. These guys don’t shy away from calling a Duce a duce, and like the show they are covering there are some rough spots along the way. But just like B5 it is well worth the time and investment to listen to the whole thing (especially on YouTube!) These guys are funny, insightful, and very thoughtful in their discussions of each episode and just like watching Babylon 5 back in the day I just can’t wait for the next episode every week.

A new perspective!
I love this fresh perspective on one of my favorite shows! I look forward to the day when blind people around the world can listen to be5 with audio description, and enjoy it as much as you. ‘tis a dream I have.

Great for Babylon 5 Fans; Truly Not a Star Trek Podcast
I'm an old Babylon 5 fan. Jeff and Brent bring back the memories of watching for the first time. They are two Star Trek podcasters but if you aren't a Star Trek fan, don't let that turn you off. I grew up with Next Generation on TV but aside from that and the movies I have seen very little Star Trek. I have never seen Deep Space Nine and only one episode of the original series (the Khan one). You, like me, might not get the Star Trek references they mention but they limit it to three per host maximum each episode and even when they do make them the context will convey what they mean. I'm amazed at their deep insights as Babylon newbies and feel like an idiot that I never noticed how much Mass Effect is a Babylon 5 game after putting well over 500 hours into that series. If you are new to Babylon 5 or an old fan, you will love this podcast.

Same perspective!
Started listening to this podcast as I am watching B5 for the first time myself, and am also a Star Trek fan. I really enjoy these takes on the series, as it is so similar to my own perspective!

This is Why I Listen
I came to this ‘cast late and ended up binging all of the old episodes in less than a week. There was frustration at first because they were coming from a Star Trek perspective (I do love Trek) and Babylon 5 does not fit in that mold but, I figured that would be the case going in so I just gritted my teeth and endured. They made me angry and they made me laugh. And then they showed me something new about the show I had never noticed and I have watched it repeatedly since it first aired. And in that same episode they also showed me so much humanity that I teared up. It was a spectacular ‘cast and earned 5 stars from me just for that episode alone. I am here until the end guys. Thank you so much. And Starfuries are indeed a very cool fighter but, why you didn’t use Stations as a ranking choice I will never know. Much Love Guys!

loving this!
I've had a lot of fun with this, but sometimes it's odd to hear this show compared to DS9. Yes, I know that's been a thing since 1994, but the similarities are few and far between. What confuses me is why more folks aren't comparing B5 to Lord of the Rings.

My Favorite B5 podcast
I absolutely love this podcast. Jeff and Brent are fantastic, and their guesses are always so spot on, unless they’re not, and then they’re really far off. But I won’t tell you which is which because…well, spoilers. For now, all I will say is Bzzt when Bzzzt comes to Bzzzt, get ready because Bzzzt will reveal that he is bzzzt and you won’t even see it coming. Then bzzzt will bzzt. You’re gonna love it.

Great to listen to, frustrating for all the right reasons.
Happy I’ve caught up with the shows and I can listen on my Monday commute. No false advertising here, the hosts are an encyclopedia of Star Trek knowledge and great at connecting their first watch to both Trek and, in an oddly fitting way, organization leadership dynamics. If I have one frustrating it’s how not-encyclopedic their knowledge is of other influences of this show like Tolkien and classic sci-fi novels and movies. Not making the connections between Clarke’s Rama or well … (to avoid spoilers) lots of things in the Lord of the Rings has me yelling at my phone on the regular. Guys. Z'ha'dum —— The Bridge Of Khazad-Dûm. So many connections. Loving every minute, even the frustrating parts.
Babylon 5 For the First Time - Not a Star Trek Podcast is fun and unique take on Babylon 5. Two Guys who love Star Trek who also have Star Trek Podcasts are watching Babylon 5 for the first time giving it critical eye and seeking out those beautiful Star Trek like messages. These guys are genuinely, funny honest, and introspective. They bring completely different mindset and perspectives to certain themes, story beats, and characters that a long time fans of Babylon 5 fans will be both enjoy and get angered by but they're honest and direct about their feelings. They don't pander to other's opinions but welcome all sides and are active and responsive to the fan community. There were many times where I have disagreed with their opinions but I've also thoroughly enjoyed having my own opinions challenged and my feelings for the series grow through their challenge. For anyone interested in a great companion piece to the series or just another amazing Podcast to listen to, I fully recommend you watch their YouTube channel or enjoy it on your podcast app of choice. Babylon5forTheFirstTime gets 5 Star"Furies" out of 5!

Highly Recommended
A good buddy of mine had never seen Babylon 5 and agreed to watch it, unspoiled, and I’d watch one of his shows. He had stops and starts, life got in the way, but he said he’d get back to it. He passed away unexpectedly a year ago, and this podcast gives me the cathartic opportunity to go on that journey. Thank you!

A podcast review. For the first time!
(My name is Tony and this is my first ever podcast review. I never know how Apple is going to present my name or AppleID). I started a new job a few months ago that brought with it a much longer commute. I figured it would be a good time to find some podcasts to start listening to. In my search for a good sci-if related one I somehow stumbled on this one about one of my favorite shows ever, Babylon 5. I listened to Jeff & Brent’s first episode last month and I was immediately hooked. It’s been an absolute joy catching up and reliving this wonderfully complex show thru them as they watch it for the first time. I appreciate that “this is not a Star Trek podcast” but the hosts use that franchise as a springboard to compare and contrast the themes and structures of Babylon 5 while respectfully acknowledging that it is its own unique thing. With each episode they critique they are finding the joy (and warts) of the show that I made a point to follow every week almost thirty years ago. They love to make predictions about what the next episode will be about and where the storyline is headed. Sometimes I shake my head and laugh at how wrong they are/will be. But other times I get almost as giddy as my friend who danced on stage with Claudia Christian at a sci-fi convention many cycles ago when the hosts come really close in their predictions. It’s a blast! Jeff and Brent, keep up the excellent work and thank you for giving me (and others like me) something fun and worthwhile to listen to on my Monday commute to and from work.

A podcast review. For the first time!
(My name is Tony and this is my first ever podcast review. My AppleID is a weird conglomeration of letters and numbers). I started a new job a few months ago that brought with it a much longer commute. I figured it would be a good time to find some podcasts to start listening to. In my search for a good sci-if related one I somehow stumbled on this one about one of my favorite shows ever, Babylon 5. I listened to Jeff & Brett’s first episode last month and I was immediately hooked. It’s been an absolute joy catching up and reliving this wonderfully complex show thru them as they watch it for the first time. I appreciate that “this is not a Star Trek podcast” but the hosts use that franchise as a springboard to compare and contrast the themes and structures of Babylon 5 while respectfully acknowledging that it is its own unique thing. With each episode they critique they are finding the joy (and warts) of the show that I made a point to follow every week almost thirty years ago. They love to make predictions about what the next episode will be about and where the storyline is headed. Sometimes I shake my head and laugh at how wrong they are/will be. But other times I get almost as giddy as my friend who danced on stage with Claudia Christian at a sci-fi convention many cycles ago when the hosts come really close in their predictions. It’s a blast! Jeff and Brett, keep up the excellent work and thank you for giving me (and others like me) something fun and worthwhile to listen to on my Monday commute to and from work.
It took me several episodes to warm to the hosts of this podcast, but eventually their enthusiasm and insight won me over. As a B5 fan who’s watched the show through at least 4 times, I’m loving the chance to vicariously watch it with fresh eyes. The predictions and theories on what’s coming up next are alternately hilariously off-kilter and breathtakingly accurate, and I particularly enjoy hearing them get to know the characters I’ve been in love with for years. Writing this when they’re about halfway through season 2, so a third of the way through the whole show. Very much looking to the remaining two-thirds!

This is The One!
I am so glad I found this podcast. Babylon 5 is a complex TV series that requires real attention, an appreciation of character development, and the ability to detect and understand nuance. Brent and Jeff are absolutely those people! The sound quality is incredible, absolutely the best of the other B5 podcasts out there, and these two really work well together. It is refreshing and exciting to hear real professionals doing their thing. This podcast lets me relive some of the greatest times of my life. I was just out of university when Babylon 5 started airing. Bright-eyed and naieve, B5 did more to prepare me for the real world than uni did. So, THANK YOU Brent and Jeff for letting me see this series, again, through the eyes of someone watching it for the first time. I HIGHLY recommend this podcast. Even if you haven't watched Babylon 5 before, their insights into this masterpiece are stunning!

Oooh, Yesss
I just binged all the episodes through now, so I have to give this podcast a 5 star review. Keep it Up! They just finished “All alone in the night” when I wrote this review. To the hosts: Keep in mind that even the ancillary characters are the heroes of their own stories, even if we don’t see them on B5. People like Bester or Neroon have their own motivations and stories, and we only see those when they intersect with the B5 plot: they aren’t there just to move the B5 plot along, but have their own interests and motivations as well. Just be glad you don’t have the season long waits, or the mid-season breaks, like those of us who watched in the first run put up with. Spoiler alert: Each season’s opening credits is a spoiler on its own. Season 3 big time, but please don’t skip it. Those of us who watched the first broadcast didn’t know what it meant until later, but we were rapt in anticipation due to that spoiler tease.

Akin and Allen’s Discovery Experience
Jeff Akin and Brent Allen openly and honestly reflect on their own experience while watching the science fiction series Babylon 5 for the first time. I’ve been saying for years that Babylon 5 is the best TV series ever written, for a whole host of reasons. And by extension, this podcast by Jeff and Brent is the best Sci Fi oriented podcast I have ever seen. So why is that? Well two reasons. Jeff and Brent’s own conversation has evolved in just one and a half seasons. They may not even be aware of how they have changed - as individuals and together as people engaged in a shared experience. But that is what turns good science fiction into great science fiction. We, the viewers, are changed in a very fundamental way after experiencing it. We are forced to do a deep dive into explorations of human behavior whether it be how we deal with our fears - of the unknown, of those who are different from us - or how we behave in the face of human suffering - I encourage anyone that likes science fiction to tune in as Jeff and Brent discover what it means. To be part of the human race in times such as this. The second reason is that the podcast production is truly top notch. Well done!

Akin for More
I was late to Babylon 5, but really enjoyed it when I watched the series several years ago. (I should have watched it sooner.) I've enjoyed following along in real time as the hosts discover the ins and outs of the show. They have a good rapport and are really good at thoughtfully discerning and discussing the themes of B5. It's quickly become one of my favorite podcasts.

As others said, great podcast about a great show
I've been following a DS9 re-binge podcast for the past few months, and as I caught up to current episodes, I needed to find something new - I went looking for something B5, and I couldn't have done better. As an old Trek and B5 fan, this is a real kick. Well produced and entertaining. I know B5 like the back of my hand, but following these two through their own journey of discovery is almost as good as watching it for the first time again myself.

Favorite Podcast!
I’m a B5 vet, but it’s been a blast re-watching B5 week-to-week with these guys, and experiencing it through their eyes. With their encyclopedic knowledge of Star Trek, they bring a great perspective on the show. It’s clear they are putting a ton of work into the show, watching episodes multiple times, taking detailed notes, etc. I’m also impressed by the willpower it must take to not skip ahead and bing the show.

Epic Nuggets to Chuckle Over
This podcast has it all. Intergalactic discussion, thoughts on alien hairstyles, and a penalty buzzer. I grew up watching Babylon 5 and now I get to enjoy new perspectives as the hosts document their first time. I also get to laugh when predictions for future episodes are far from accurate while muttering under my breath “just you wait.” If you’re looking for a Babylon 5 journey, this podcast is it.